The Light will be seen

Trying to stay away from all that confusion and chaos of what is happening in America – not easy – I make myself remember that God is in control. I never doubt it, ever, but I tend to forget. Unfortunately. It applies to what happens in our country, or in Europe, globally, or just within our families. Feeling depressed about the situation comes easy, but it’s important to remember the key idea: Jesus has already conquered the world and the forces of evil. Now they are howling and destroying whatever they can destroy in retaliation – because they had already lost.

However, we’re human. Not many of us are saints. I know I’m not. I’m weak, and even moody sometimes – saints are not moody, nor particularly worried about the state of the world. Actually, as one of the holy people once said (I can’t remember where I read it, and I need to paraphrase) – “knowing our evil propensities, I’m surprised it is not worse.”

Life can be hard – people are persecuted, killed, some commit suicide, we lose family members, physically, or due to fundamental conflicts; unborn babies are slaughtered in a massive, global, vastly approved by the mainstream media genocide – and it is all called progress. The degeneration is more and more visible, and on so many different levels and in so many areas… Have you read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand? She got only one thing horribly wrong and twisted: Christianity. But all the rest is like another version of Orwell’s 1984 – only more realistic. Both of the stories are depicting some phases of our reality now and it’s an ugly picture.

How to react? With prayer and more prayer. God’s the only refuge, the only answer – the harder it becomes, the more necessary God becomes to stay sane and reasonably peaceful. Saints can actually be at peace almost constantly. We can’t perhaps change the reality. We can’t fight the enemies of the Church and humanity by ourselves. But in God we trust. He can do whatever He wills, and His will would always prevail. Let’s never lose hope, let’s stick to the truth, not matter how dangerous it may seem nowadays – because the truth will set us free and we will see the Light.

Anna Garbaczewska

This entry was posted by Agnieszka Dankiewicz.

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